Born in YouTube 2005, the meaning was made. There may be a lot of people behind this, but the money is spent on three. If they are - Harley, Steve Chen and Javad Karim. Jawad Karim was a Bangladeshi German citizen of Bangladesh. These are basically the founders of YouTube.
The birth of YouTube triggered a dinner party. The founders of YouTube met up at a dinner party. There they have a lot of fun and they do videos. They wanted to share it with each other, but they could not, even through email. Then they thought we would create a video sharing site, where everyone could share their videos. That's how YouTube was born.
One of the most popular sites today. Which was once a bonus money. But currently the most popular site. The first video was - Javed Karim. He went to the zoo on April 23 and captured the video, then shared it with "Me at Ju".
And in the present day, there are 3 hours of video uploaded to YouTube every minute. Not only that, YouTube is now another name for Entertainment. This is why YouTube is so popular for YouTube's Partnership Program. There are a lot of content creators these days, but new ones are coming in as well.
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