During the holidays, a cup of tea was washed over the aroma of smoke. One more cup of milk and sugar to improve the snack. In the afternoon, the chat started ... The buzz of the cup began to sound. The clock is about to touch the clock. The crowds were still crowded at the shopping center. Someone's Lemon Tea, Someone's Liquor Tea, Someone's Tea-Coffee-Milk Chafi. This is the story of tea embedded in everyday life. Tea is not just Darjeeling, Asang or Kerala. Many countries in this world are famous for tea production. The list includes Sri Lanka, Nepal, Indonesia, Bangladesh, Vietnam, Kenya, Malaysia, Tanzania. How did all these countries come together and decide what would be a World team Day? Especially for tea lovers. From 15 December, the day is celebrated as Tea-Boss. However, you are also consuming seven cups of tea at the moment, but you do not know all this wonderful information about tea. Today is for you.
1. China started drinking tea for 200 years: Among the offerings offered at the funeral in ancient times at the Young Ling Cemetery in Middle China, dried cakes made from leaves were seen. The caffeine and thianin contained in these leaves prove that they were actually tea leaves that were given to the body as a part of their extramarital process.
2. All the tea comes from one species of a plant: All kinds of tea are made from Camellia sinensis. These evergreens are collected from leaves and shrubs from shrubs or shrubs and are used for tea production. Differences between different types of extracts differ in the type, conditions and production process of the plant.
3. Religious affiliation: In Japan, tea comes from the hands of Japanese leaders and ambassadors returning from China. It dates back to the sixth century and quickly became known as the favorite drink of religious people. And green tea, which has come in contact with hot water, has been gaining prominence to the people of cultured and elite society for centuries.
4. Rasen Caravan Tea: Most tea was delivered to the Russians on the Caravan route from China to Russia. Camel caravans traveled month after month to carry tea throughout the continent. The smoke of their night campfire fell on the tea, and by the time they reached Moscow or St. Petersburg, the leaves had a smoky taste, and from there the taste of the tea, which is known today as Rusan Caravan Tea.
5. China Market Breakdown: In the seventeenth century, when the diplomatic and commercial breakdown between China and the British Empire took place, the British had to look to other countries for tea. The East India Company, which controls the world trade, hired Robert Fortune, a Scottish botanist who was known for collecting foreign specimens from different parts of the world and selling them to elites. He was tasked with secretly identifying and smuggling tea plants from there to India - the purpose is to create an alternative tea industry. Surprisingly, he exported 20,7 tea trees and saplings from China to Darjeeling.
6. Milk tea: The most widely grown tea plant in India was a subspecies plant called Camellia sinensis osmica. Assam was more flavored black than green tea. Generally, the color of Assam tea, which includes the initial English breakfast, was strongly influenced by the people to drink milk. In Britain, tea is usually consumed with ordinary English breakfast or breakfast. But milk is rarely served with tea in other places on the continent of Europe.
7. Or tea with toast?: When Thomas Garvey, a man in London, first started selling tea in retail 9, many did not understand how to drink tea. Many are eaten by spreading the tea leaves over the bread by spreading butter on it. They were then taught to separate the leaf from the leaf and make it with toast. Tea is popular with toast within a few days.
8. Tea overcoming coffee is a triumph: Turkey has traditionally been one of the world's largest tea markets. Most of the Turkish Black Tea comes from the fertile land along the Black Sea. Turkish coffee is famous all over the world, but the most popular beverage in Turkey is tea.
9. Revolution involving tea: In the 8th, the inhabitants of Boston, America, were furious against the colonial rule of the British Empire. The protest is due to the extra tax imposed on tea. Then, in the dark of the night, the British ship sailed a lot of tea leaves.
10. Get tea at the wrong word: Many people like to drink tea by sound. Many people are upset about it. But tea experts say tea should be consumed this way if you want to relieve the taste and smell of tea. Only then will the love of tea enter your mind.
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